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How To Split A Page In Half On Google Docs (Quick Steps)

split google doc in half

While editing your document on Google Docs, you might need to divide the document into two or more equal (or unequal) parts horizontally and in some cases, vertically.

Dividing a document into two or more sections can help in utilizing the available space to display content next to each other. This feature is mostly useful for creating columns on your document, comparing data presenting information next to each other, and more.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of splitting a page in half on Google Docs. This will include guides on how to split a page both vertically and horizontally on the word processing platform.

Quick Answer:

To split a page on your document in Google Docs in half vertically, follow these steps:

  1. Select the page you want to split in half on your document.
  2. Go to the Google Doc menu bar.
  3. Select Format > Columns.
  4. Choose the 2nd option in the sub-menu.

How To Split A Page in Half Vertically In Google Docs (Step By Step)

In most cases, you might just want to split a page on your document in Google Docs into two halves vertically just like on magazines and brochures.

On Google Docs, you can split a page in half vertically by using the Columns tool on the platform. The Columns tool on Google Docs allows users to split a page on their documents into up to 3 (equal) columns – this can be done as many pages as possible on a document.

To split a page in half vertically on Google Docs using columns, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Select the page you want to split in half on your document.

If you want to split a particular page on your document in half, then you have to first ensure the page is the selected page on the document.

To select a page on your document in Google Docs, simply click anywhere on the page and ensure the text cursor appears on the area you click.

Also, if you just want to split a specific block of text on a page in half and not the whole page on your document, highlight the text before moving to the next step. If you’re looking to split the whole page into two halves, you can skip this since there is no need to highlight any text.

Step 2: Select Format > Columns on the menu bar.

Next, go to the Google Docs menu bar then select Format > Columns.

Step 3: Choose the 2nd option to split the page in half vertically.

Now, you should see 3 column options on the sub-menu – 1, 2, and 3 columns. Since we’re looking to split a page on Google Docs into two halves, select the 2nd option to split the selected page into 2 equal columns.

create column google docs

After that, you should see that the selected page on your document in Google Docs has now been divided into 2 equal halves. You can repeat this process for all the pages you want to divide into half on your document easily.

page split in half google docs

And that’s how you can split a page on Google Docs in half vertically.

How To Split A Page In Half Horizontally On Google Docs.

On Google Docs, you can only split a page with columns vertically and there is currently no way to make rows on the platform.

If you want to split your document in half horizontally in Google Docs, you will have to use tables as a workaround. Tables allow you to create multiple rows which can be used to split pages on your documents into multiple parts horizontally.

To split a page on Google Docs in half horizontally using a table, you first have to insert a 1×2 table into an empty page on your document. After inserting the table, adjust its height to fit your page then input the content your want into the two rows.

Below is a step-by-step guide showing how you can easily split a page in half horizontally in Google Docs.

Step 1: Insert a 1×2 table on an empty page in your document.

Since we will be splitting a page in half horizontally in Google Docs with the use of a table, we will have to insert a table with 1 column and 2 rows (1×2 table) into an empty page on the document.

To do this, select an empty page on your document (or add a page break to create one) then go to the Google Docs menu bar and select Insert > Table then choose a 1×2 table as shown in the screenshot below.

insert x table google docs

Step 2: Adjust the height of the table to match the height of the page.

After inserting the table into an empty page on your document, you will need to adjust the height of the table to fill the page. You can do this by adjusting the individual minimum row height of each of the two rows on the table.

To adjust the height of the inserted table, select the first row, then click “Table options” on the toolbar.

table options google docs

Now you should see the “Table properties” side panel at the right-hand side of the Google Docs window. 

Expand the “Row” section, check the “Minimum row height” option, and enter “11.15” as the minimum row height for the selected row.

adjust row height

Next, select the second row on the table and repeat the same process to ensure that the heights of both rows are equal.

After increasing the height of both rows, you should now see that the table fills the entire page. 

Note: If the last row overflows into the next page, try reducing the minimum row height for each row slightly until both rows fit perfectly on the page.

Also if the table does not fill up the page, try increasing the row height for both rows on the table until the table takes up all available space on the page. The height of both rows must be equal to ensure that the page is split evenly into half horizontally using the table.

Step 3: Enter your content into both equal rows.

Now enter your desired content into both rows on the table and ensure the content fits just right on each row on the table to prevent overflowing to the next page.

If the content you want to add is too long and causes the last row to overflow to the next page, consider slightly reducing the font size until it fits perfectly.

Step 4: Adjust the border color according to your preferences (optional).

Finally, if you don’t like the border lines on the table inserted, you can simply remove the border lines completely or change their colors.

To do this, go back to the “Table properties” side panel then expand the “Colour” section. If you have closed the side panel, simply select anywhere on the table then click on “Table options” on the Google Docs toolbar.

Next, go to the “Table border” area then set the border thickness/weight to “0pt” to remove the table border completely.

If you still want the border but with a reduced thickness, then select any of the values lower than 1pt (the default) value but higher than 0pt.

adjust table border

Alternatively, if you just want to change the border color, click on the color selector then choose any color of your choice from the list of available colors.

And that’s how you can split a page in half horizontally in Google Docs easily. 

Since there is no built-in method to split pages in half horizontally on Google Docs, using a 2-row 1-column table is a good workaround to split your pages horizontally. 

You can repeat this process for as many pages as you want to split in half horizontally on your document in Google Docs.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, understanding how pages on documents in Google Docs can be split both horizontally and vertically can greatly improve how you design and organize your documents on the platform.

By splitting a page on your document vertically, you can create columns, compare data side by side, or present information in a parallel fashion and this is particularly useful when designing newspapers, newsletters, brochures, and more.

On the other hand, splitting a page horizontally provides the flexibility to create different sections for information and showcase them side by side (horizontally) on one page. It also works for separating content areas for different purposes.

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Adam Dilworth

Adam Dilworth

Adam is is a tech enthusiast and Google Workspace aficionado. With a wealth of experience in using Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and other apps in the Google Workspace lineup, Adam is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise to help readers maximize their productivity. From basic how to guides to advanced tips & tricks and creative application ideas, Adam's articles provide practical insights to navigate the world of Google Workspace apps.View Author posts